Ice-breakers and warm up activities

Ice breakers and warm up exercises are designed to build rapport among participants and to get them in the mindset to start learning. The following exercises are time-tested techniques that have been adapted for this curriculum and trainers are encouraged to tweak them and bring in their own exercises where appropriate. These exercises can also be used at the beginning and the end of lessons to either warm up the class or to recap on topics learned in class that day. 

  1. Pass the Ball (10 – 15 mins)

This exercise encourages group participation and allows those who are nervous about speaking in public to focus on passing the ball instead of just waiting for their turn to talk. Pass the ball can also be used at the end of a session to recap what students have learned.

2. Speak about… (20 – 25 mins)

This activity helps learners focus on what they want to learn over the training session and to share those goals with others. This activity also helps to build rapport between group members over shared experiences.